AWS EC2 essential
EC2 instance types
General Purpose:
- provide a balance of compute, memory and networking resources
- ideal for applications that use these resources in equal proportions
- use cases:
- web servers
- code repositories
- m7g.large, m7gd.16xlarge(M for general purpose, T for burstable general purpose)
Compute Optimized
- ideal for compute bound(intensive) applications that benefit from high performance processors
- use cases:
- batch processing workloads
- media transcoding
- high performance web servers
- high performance computing
- machine learning
- c7g.2xlarge, c7gd.metal(C for compute)
Memory Optimized
- designed to deliver fast performance for workloads that process data sets in memory (memory-intensive workloads)
- use cases:
- high performance relational/non-relational databases,
- in-memory caches
- real-time big data analytics
- r7gd.xlarge, r8g(R for RAM)
Storage Optimized
- designed for workloads that require high, sequential read and write access to very large data sets on local storage
- optimized to deliver tens of thousands of low-latency, random I/O operations per second (IOPS) to applications
- use cases (I/O intensive applications):
- High frequency online transaction processing (OLTP) systems
- Relational & NoSQL databases
- Cache for in-memory databases (for example, Redis)
- Data warehousing applications
- Distributed file systems
- i4g.large, i4g.16xlarge. (I for IO)
Naming convention:
- m: instance class
- 5: generation of the instance (AWS improves them over time)
- 2xlarge: size within the instance class
Security Groups
Security groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS
They control how traffic is allowed into or out of our EC2 instances
They only contain
rules -
Security groups rules can reference by IP or by security group
Security groups are acting as a firewall on EC2 instances
They regulate:
- access to ports
- authorized IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6
- control of inbound network (from other to the instance)
- control of outbound network (from the instance to other)
Good to know about security groups:
- can be attached to multiple instances
- locked down to a region/VPC combination
- does live outside the EC2 - if traffic is blocked, the EC2 instance won't see it
- it's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access
- if your application is not accessible (timeout), then it's a security group issue
- if your application gives a
connection refused
error, then it's an application error or the application is not launched - by default, all inbound traffic is blocked, all outbound traffic is authorized.
Classic ports to know
- 22 = SSH (Secure Shell) - log into a Linux instance
- 21 = FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - upload files into a file share
- 22 = SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) - upload files using SSH
- 80 = HTTP - access unsecured websites
- 443 = HTTPS - access secured websites
- 3389 = RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - log into a Windows instance
Connect EC2 instance
- SSH (the key pair can only be attached to the instance during its launch/creation)
ssh -i DemoKeyPair.pem ecs-user@
- EC2 instance connect (only the user is required)
EC2 instance role
- create an IAM role
- EC2 instance => Actions => Security => Modify IAM role
Security group self referencing
- you can configure a security group to permit inbound connections from itself (that is, the security group has its own ID as the source of the inbound connection)
- it enables any EC2 instances that is associated with the security group to communicate with any other EC2 instance that is associated with the same security group (on the given port)
EC2 instances purchasing options
EC2 On Demand
- pay for what you use
- has the highest cost but no upfront payment
- no long-term commitment
- recommended for short-term and un-interrupted workloads, where you cannot predict how the application will behave
EC2 Reserved Instances
- up to 72% discount compared to on-demand
- you reserve a specific instance attributes (instance type, region, tenancy, OS)
- reserve period -- 1 year (+discount) or 3 years (++discount)
- payment options - no upfront(+discount), partial upfront(++discount), all upfront(+++discount)
- reserved instance's scope - Regional or Zonal (reserve capacity in an AZ)
- recommend for steady-state usage applications (for example: database)
- you can buy and sell in the Reserved Instance Marketplace
- convertible reserved instance:
- can change the EC2 instance type, instance family, OS, scope and tenancy
- up to 66% discount
EC2 Savings Plan
- get a discount based on long-term usage (up to 72% discount)
- commit to a certain type of usage ($10/hour for 1 or 3 years)
- usage beyond EC2 Savings Plan is billed at the on-demand price
- Plan types:
- Compute Savings Plan:
- up to 66% discount
- applies to EC2 instance usage, regardless of instance family, instance size, region, OS, or tenancy.
- applies to Fargate and Lambda usage
- EC2 instance Savings Plan
- up to 72% discount
- a commitment to a specific instance family in a chosen AWS region (for example: M5 in Sydney)
- you can change your instance size within the instance family, change OS or tenancy
- SageMaker Savings Plan
- Compute Savings Plan:
EC2 Spot Instances
- up to 90% discount compared to on-demand, the most cost-efficient instances in AWS
- instances that you can lose at any pont of time if your max price is less than the current spot price
- useful for workloads that are resilient to failure
- batch jobs
- data analysis
- image processing
- any distributed workloads
- workloads with a flexible start and end time
- not suitable for critical jobs or databases
EC2 Dedicated Hosts
- a physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to your use, most expensive option
- purchasing options
- on-demand: pay per second for active dedicated host
- reserved: 1 or 3 years (no upfront, partial upfront, all upfront)
- useful for
- softwares that have complicated licensing model (BYOL: Bring Your Own License)
- companies that have strong regulatory or compliance needs
EC2 Dedicated Instances
- instances run on a hardware that's dedicated to a single AWS account
- might share hardwares with other instances from the same AWS account that are not Dedicated Instances
- if you stop and start a Dedicated Instance, it might not un on the same host
- provide limited support for Bring Your Own Licence (BYOL)
EC2 Capacity Reservation
- allows to reserve compute capacity for EC2 instances in a specific AZ
- useful when you have strict capacity requirements, and are running business-critical workloads that require capacity assurance
- ensure that you'll always have access to the EC2 capacity you've reserved as long as you need it
We recommend Savings Plans over Reserved Instances. Savings Plans are the easiest and most flexible way to save money on your AWS compute costs and offer lower prices (up to 72% off) just like Reserved Instances.
- Spot Fleet
- a set of Spot Instances + (optional) On-Demand Instances
- allows to automatically request Spot Instances with the lowest price
- the Spot Fleet will try to meet the target capacity with price constraints
- define possible lunch pools: instance type, OS, AZ
- can have multiple launch pools, so that the fleet can choose
- stops launching instances when reaching capacity or max cost
- strategies to allocate Spot Instances
- priceCapacityOptimized (recommended): pools with highest capacity available, then select the pool with the lowest price (best choose for most workloads)
- lowestPrice: from the pool with the lowest price (cost optimization, short workload)
- diversified: distributed across all pools (great for availability, long workloads)
- capacityOptimized: pool with the optimal capacity for the number of instances
Private IP, public IP, Elastic IP
Networking has two sorts of IPs, IPv4 and IPv6:
- IPv4:
- IPv6: 3fee:1200:4555:3:200:f9ee:fe22:88cf
- IPv4 is still the most common format used online
- IPv6 is newer and solves problems for the Internet of Things (IoT)
- IPv4 allows for 3.7 billion different addresses in the public space
Public IP
- public IP means the machine can be identified on the internet
- must be unique across the whole web (not two machines can have the same public IP)
- can be geo-located easily
Private IP
- private IP means the machine can only be identified on a private network
- the IP must be unique across the private network, but two different private networks (two companies) can have the same IPs
- machines connect to the internet using an internet gateway (a proxy)
- only a specified range of IPs can be used as a private IP
Elastic IP
for EC2 instance, if you stop and then start the instance, the public IP will change
if you need a fixed public IP for your instance, you need an Elastic IP
an Elastic IP is a public IPv4 IP you own as long as you don't delete it
you can attach to one instance at a time
With an Elastic IP, you can mask the failure of an instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance in you account
You can only have 5 Elastic IP in your account
Overall, try to avoid using Elastic IP
- they often reflect poor architectural decisions
- instead, use a random public IP and register a DNS name to it
- or, use a load balancer and don't use a public ip
Placement Groups
- You can launch a group of interdependent EC2 instances into a placement group to influence their placement
- Placement strategies
- Cluster
- packs instances close together inside an AZ; enables workloads to achieve the low-latency network performance necessary for tightly-coupled node-to-node communication that is typically of HPC applications
- pros: instances enjoy a higher per-flow throughout limit for TCP/IP traffic
- cons: if the AZ fails, all instances fails at the same time
- use cases: when the majority of the network traffic is between the instances of the group
- big data job that needs to complete fast
- application that needs extremely low latency and high network throughput
- High Performance Computing applications
- Partition
- spreads your instances across logic partitions such that groups of instances in one partition do not share the underlying hardware with groups of instances in different partitions.
- up to 7 partitions per AZ; can span across multiple AZs in the same region; up to 100 of EC2 instances
- help reduce the likelihood of correlated hardware failures for your application since the instances in one partition do not share the underlying hardware with instances in other partitions
- use cases: can be used to deploy large distributed and replicated workloads such as Hadoop, Cassandra and Kafka
- Spread
- strictly places a small group of instances across distinct underlying hardware to reduce correlated failures (each instance is placed on distinct hardware)
- use case
- recommended for applications that have a small number of critical instances that should be kept separate from each other
- Cluster
- Placement groups are optional and no charge
- An instance can be placed in one placement group at a time, you cannot place an instance in multiple placement groups
- If you don't launch your instances into a placement group, EC2 tries to place the instances in such a way that all of your instances are spread out across the underlying hardware to minimize correlated failures
- Summary:
- cluster: high performance, low latency, high network
- partition: distributed workloads
- spread: critical applications
Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI)
- A logical component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card
- Can have the following attributes
- a primary private IPv4, one more secondary IPv4 from the IPv4 address range of your VPC
- one Elastic IP (IPv4) per private IPv4
- one public IPv4
- one or more security groups
- a MAC address
- You can create ENI independently and attach them on the fly (move them) on EC2 instances for failover
- Bounds to a specific AZ
EC2 instance life cycle
Why use EC2 hibernate
- the in-memory (RAM) state is preserved
- the instance boot is much faster (the OS is not stopped/restarted)
- you can only enable hibernate during the launch of the instance
- under the hood: the RAM state is written to a file in the root EBS volume
- the root EBS volume must be encrypted
- use cases:
- long-running processing
- saving the RAM state
- services that take time to initialise
Instance states
- running: the instance is running and ready for use
- stopped: the instance is shutdown and cannot be used, can be restarted at any time
- terminated: the instance has been permanently deleted and cannot be restarted
- Pending: the instance is preparing to enter the
state- first launch -> pending -> running
- stopped (restarted) -> pending -> running
- stopping: the instance is preparing to be stopped
- running -> stopping -> stopped
- shutting-down: the instance is preparing to be terminated
- running -> shutting-down -> terminated
EC2 billing
Not billed
- pending
- stopping
- stopped
- shutting-down
- terminated
- running
- stopping for hibernate
- If you hibernate an instance, you're billed while the instance is in the stopping state (preparing to hibernate).
- Reserved Instances that applied to terminated instances are billed until the end of their term according to their payment option.