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AWS API Gateway

Throttling limit

  • AWS throttling limit: applied across all accounts and clients in a Region; to prevent your API (and your account) from being overwhelmed by too many requests; set by AWS and cannot be changed by a customer
  • Per-account limits: applied to all APIs in an account in a specific region; can be increased upon request
  • Per-API, per-stage throttling limits: applied at the API method level for a stage; by default, methods inherits stage-level settings, you can configure method overrides; note that these limits cannot be higher than the AWS throttling limits
  • Per-client throttling limits: applied to clients that use API keys associated with your usage plan as client identifier; note that these limits cannot be higher than the per-account limits

Cache settings for REST APIs

  • You can enable API caching in API Gateway to cache your endpoint's responses. With caching, you can reduce the number of calls made to your endpoint and also improve the latency of requests to your API.
  • When you enable caching for a stage, only GET methods have caching enabled by default
  • You can override stage-level cache settings by turning on or turning off caching for a specific method
  • You can also modify the TTL period or turn encryption on/off for cached responses